Our business office representatives are always available to assist you with any questions you may have. Our business office telephone number is (678) 513-2273. We encourage you to bring any special needs to our attention. We’re here to help you!
Financial Policies

We Are Here to Help
Please bring all pertinent insurance information and your insurance cards with you on each visit to our office. We will provide you a charge ticket at each visit so that you can retain a record of all fees and services rendered that day.
As a courtesy to you, we will be happy to file your insurance claim(s). If we do not participate with your plan, payment is expected at time of service. We accept cash, checks, Mastercard, Visa, American Express and Discover.
The deductible and insurance co-payments are the patient’s responsibility and their payment is expected at time of service. Please be sure to bring your insurance card(s) each time you visit our office.
Should your insurance carrier withhold payment or partial payment of your claim for any reason, we will be glad to assist you in obtaining an explanation from them. However, we cannot guarantee payment of your claim. Also, we cannot be responsible for negotiating fees or claims with insurance companies or any other entity. Patients are responsible for payment of medical care within a reasonable time, regardless of the status of the claim.
If circumstances warrant an extended payment plan, our business office representative is available to assist you with such arrangements. Please contact the office prior to your appointment.
There is a fee of $25.00 for any returned checks. Varying fees are charged for forms and letters that may be requested.
Charges for copying medical records are based on the charges set forth by the Georgia Office of Planning and Budget pursuant to O.C.G.A. 31-33-3. In order to comply with HIPPA regulations, a signed, written request for medical records must be received along with payment prior to any records being released. You will receive a monthly-itemized statement showing all charges up to and including the current month. These statements will cover all services provided, both in our office, and at the hospital. All patients with a current balance will continue to receive monthly statements until the account is cleared.
A reminder: Please remember to bring your insurance card(s) with you for each visit to our office. Please notify us if your address, telephone number or insurance carrier changes at any time. Please be sure any necessary referrals are valid.
Private Pay
Please contact the business office prior to your visit so that we can discuss special arrangements regarding your account.
Please contact your insurance company first. Most billing questions are best handled by your insurance company. By the time you get our statement we have done most of what we can do to resolve any billing issues. If you have already spoken to your insurance company about your specific question, please give us a call.
Financial Assistance
24/7 Access to Your AccountThrough Our Secure Patient Portal