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Why Perfectly Healthy People Have Heart Attacks

Noninvasive tests help identify who’s really at risk for a heart attack.

Seemingly healthy people are “suddenly” having heart attacks because, as it turns out, their arteries are not perfectly healthy and they don’t know it. With the proper noninvasive tests, these diseased arteries would have been identified, and the heart attacks wouldn’t have happened.

Today, there are many noninvasive tests that are more accurate in predicting the likelihood of a future heart attack. A normal stress test does not always mean that there is no trace of soft plaque building up inside the lining of your coronary arteries. However, it does mean that the blood flow to your heart was not obstructed on the day you took the test. Unfortunately, that doesn’t mean that the blood flow will still be fine tomorrow.

Currently, cardiologists have access to cutting-edge diagnostic tests that can be performed in the office to identify these high-risk people early enough to prevent them from having heart attacks.

At Heart and Vascular Care, we only use the most state-of-the-art equipment and up-to-date procedures currently available for diagnostic testing and strive to provide our patients with services that are both convenient and comfortable for them. We understand that every patient is unique and suffers from varying degrees of pain and mobility. We offer a broad range of diagnostic testing methods available to further the understanding of disease, injury, and congenital or acquired abnormalities of the heart and blood vessels. These tests assist in the diagnosis and treatment of cardiac and vascular disease.

Contact Heart and Vascular Care today to schedule your testing needs with our award-winning physicians to have your individual testing needs assessed.