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We’ve Now Seen 100,000 Patients and Counting!

Heart health is always important and that’s why it’s worth celebrating that we’ve reached the milestone of seeing 100,000 patients! As of November 3rd, our hundred-thousandth patient was Mr. Francisco Rodriguez, who came in for a stress test, administered by tech Maria Manrique.

Stress tests are necessary for a healthy heart

You may be familiar with what a stress test is but do you know why they are necessary when it comes to keeping your heart healthy? Diagnostic testing like stress testing uses medication or exercise on a treadmill to increase your heart rate.

Increasing your heart rate is an effective way of determining if your heart is working the way it should or if there are any problems. Your doctors can see which areas of your heart get enough blood and if there are any areas that are not.

Diagnose problems sooner than later

This can be quite helpful for diagnosing blockages in the coronary arteries. In other words, this could be something that prevents you from having a heart attack later on.

For those that can safely walk on a treadmill to increase their heart rate, a treadmill nuclear stress test will be administered. If you can’t walk quickly on a treadmill, you can have a Lexiscan nuclear stress test instead.

Diagnostic testing is an effective method of helping anyone who may be at risk of developing heart disease or those who already have it. Take the first step towards becoming heart-healthy and contact Heart and Vascular Care to request a consultation in John’s Creek, GA!